“Abbreviated Concordance of the Gîtâ”

Petite Concordance de la Gîtâ

Kleine Concordantie van de Gîtâ






See notes on 16.03, 16.24, 17.17[1]

Non-violence, voir « Yama et Niyama » de Patanjali.[2]

Geweldloosheid, zie « Yama en Niyama » van Patanjali[3]






2.56, 2.62-63, 4.10, 5.23, 5.26, 5.28, 16.28, 18.53



Atmâ (Spirit or Soul)

Esprit ou Âme

Geest of Ziel

2.16-25, 2.29, 2.30, 3.42, 3.43, 6.29, 6.30, 7.19, 10.20, 13.21, 13.22, 13.27, 14.03, 14.04, 15.07, 15.08, 15.17 (See also, voir aussi, zie ook Puruşa)



Austerity or Tapas

Austérité ou Tapas

Strengheid of Tapas

17.14-19, 18.05, 18.67



Bhakti Sūtra

Verses from ...

Versets de ...

Verzen van ...

4.08, 12.02



Bible, Bijbel

Comparable verses

Versets comparables

Vergelijkende verzen

2.32, 3.16, 3.21, 4.11, 4.12, 4.18, 4.34, 4.37, 6.10, 6.13, 7.03, 7.19, 8.13, 9.03, 9.22, 9.29, 9.30, 10.05, 10.10, 10.41, 11.12, 12.02, 12.14, 13.17, 13.25, 17.15, 17.21, 18.09, 18.55, 18.67, 18.68 (Gîtâ, Third Edition)






2.22, 5.13, 8.12, 8.15, 15.08





Gebondenheid (slavernij)

2.39, 2.51, 3.04, 3.27, 4.22, 5.03, 6.06, 13.22, 6.05, 18.49



Brāhmana[4] (Caste)

5.18, 9.33, 17.14, 17.23, 18.41, 18.42




2.22, 2.72, 5.24-26, 6.15, 14.26



Brahma Sūtra

Verses quoted from...

Versets cités de...

Verzen uit …

2.72, 7.22, 8.06, 8.24, 8.25, 10.20, 12.05, 13.34, 15.15, 17.08



Brahmā (The Creator, Le Créateur, De Schepper)

3.10, 8.16-19, 11.15, 11.37, 11.39, 13.16



Brahma, Brahman[6] (Akşara Brahma)

2.13, 2.72, 3.15, 4.24, 7.02, 7.06, 7.07, 7.19, 7.29, 8.03, 8.21, 9.04-06, 13.06, 13.12-17, 13.31-33, 15.12, 15.16, 17.23-27 is everything/ est tout/ is alles 7.19



Buddha, Buddhism



2.22, 2.44, 3.37, 6.17, 13.08, 16.24, 18.66



Caste system,

Système des Castes

Kaste systeem

(See Varna)

(Voir Varna)

(Zie Varna)



Causal body[7]

Corps causal

Causale lichaam

2.22 (See also Vāsanā) (Voir aussi Vāsanā) (Zie ook Vāsanā)






6.14, 8.11, 16.23, 17.14






17.20-22, 18.03, 1805, 18.43, 18.68
















8.17-19, 9.05, 9.07, 9.10, 13.01, 13.05, 13.06




La Mort

Sterven (dood)

2.11, 2.13, 2.22, 7.30, 8.05, 8.06, 8.10, 8.16, 9.03, 12.07, 13.08, 14.20



Deity Worship

Culte aux dieux

Eredienst aan de goden

4.11, 4.12, 7.20-24, 9.23-26, 12.02, 12.05, 13.25, 18.46

Four types of worshippers : Quatre types d’adorateurs : Vier verschillende aanbidders : 7.16

Offer love and devotion : Offrande d’amour et de devotion: Liefde gave (offrande) en devotie : 9.26 See also Prayer. Voir aussi « Prière ». Zie ook het « Gebed ».



Delusion (Moha)



2.52, 2.56, 3.06, 3.29, 5.15, 7.13, 7.27, 11.01, 14.08, 14.17, 14.22, 16.10, 16.16, 16.21, 18.07, 18.60, 18.73



Demonic Qualities, Devil

Qualités démoniaques, Diable

Demonische hoedanigheden, Duivel

3.05, 3.37, 3.41, 16.04-18, 16.21, 17.05, 17.06






2.55, 2.62, 2.70, 2.71, 3.34, 3.39, 3.43, 7.16, 7.22, 12.16, 14.17, 15.04, See also/Voir aussi/Zie ook : Kāma




3.11-12, 7.23, 10.02, 18.40



Devotion, Devotee (Bhakta)

Devotion, Dévot (Bhakta)

Devotie, Devoot (Bhakta)

7.16, 7.17, 7.28, 7.29, 8.22, 9.22, 9.26, 9.29-32, 9.34, 10.09-11, 11.54, 11.55, 12.02, 12.08, 12.13-20, 13.25, 18.54-58, 18.66

Lord can be known by devotion /le Seigneur se fait connaître par la devotion/de Heer maakt Zich door devotie bekend : 18.55

Bhakta gets Jnāna ; Bhakta obtient Jnāna ; Bhakta wordt Jnāna : 10.10-11




2.07, 4.07, 4.08, 7.11, 14.27, 18.34, 18.43, 18.66, 18.78



Divine Manifestation

Manifestation Divine

Goddelijke Manifestatie

7.08-12, 9.16-19, 10.04-06, 10.08, 10.19-41, 15.12-15



Divine Qualities

Qualités Divines

Goddelijke hoedanigheden

2.52-59, 12.13-19, 13.07-11, 14.22-25, 15.05, 16.01-03, 17.14-16, 18.51-58






4.40-42, 15.15






2.15, 2.38, 6.07-09, 10.36, 12.17-19, 14.24, 14.25






2.47-51, 3.17-19, 3.30, 3.35, 8.07, 18.41-48




13.05, 13.06, 18.17, 18.58, 18.59



Enemy (evil)

Ennemi (le mal)

Vijand (het kwade)







7.04, 7.05, 13.05-06, 13.19, 13.26, 15.13






2.14, 2.15, 2.38, 2.48, 2.55-58, 2.61, 2.64, 2.68, 6.03, 6.33, 14.22-25, 18.57



Evolution and Involution

Évolution et Involution

Geopenbaard en ongeopenbaard

8.18-20, 9.07, 9.08, 9.10, 14.03, 14.04






3.19, 3.31, 4.39, 6.23, 6.47, 7.21, 7.22, 8.08, 9.03, 9.23, 12.02, 12.20, 13.25, 17.03, 17.13, 17.28



Food (types of)

Nourriture (sortes de)

Voeding (soorten van)

15.14, 17.07-10






Goals of human life/ les buts de la vie humaine/doelen van het menselijk leven: 18.34

Types of gurus/ types de gourous/ soorten van goeroes: 4.34[9]

Helpers during adversity/ aides dans l’adversité/ hulp in tegenstand: 6.23

Noble paths/ Nobles voies/ Edele paden: 13.08

Types of people/ types de gens/ soorten van mensen: 18.41

Pillars of sin/ piliers de péchés/ pilaren der zonde: 17.10

Types of seekers/ types de chercheurs/ soorten van zoekers: 7.16

Types of yajna/ types de yajna/ soorten yajna[10]: 4.28

Noble paths/ Noble voies/ Edele paden (Jnāna, bhakti, karma, dhyāna), 18.66






10.05, 16.03



Gîtâ (Grace of the)

Gîtâ (La grâce de la)

Gîtâ (De genade van de)

18. 67-72



God (Iśvara)

4.06-08, 5.29, 7.03, 7.26, 9.11, 10.03, 13.01, 13.13, 13.17, 13.22,13.33, 13.34, 15.17, 18.61

incarnation of/l’incarnation de/ incarnatie van, 4.06-09, 9.11

is unknowable / l’inconnu / de onbekende, 10.15



Grace, divine

Grâce, divine

Genade, goddelijk

2.32, 3.19, 8.08, 9.26, 9.29, 9.33, 11.44, 13.25, 18.56




3.05, 3.27, 3.28, 3.29, 4.18, 5.14, 7.12-14, 13.19, 13.29, 14.05-13, 14.16, 14.19, 17.04-13, 17.17-22, 18.07-10, 18.19-41

is the rope that ties body with the soul/ l’enchaînement du corps à l’âme/ de vereniging van lichaam en ziel, 14.05

transcending of /transcender de/ transcenderen van, 14.21-26




2.07, 4.34






2.66, 5.22, 6.25, 6.27, 6.28






6.09, 6.29, 10.36, 12.13, 13.06, 16.23, 18.10






2.32, 2.37, 2.43, 8.25, 9.20, 9.21, 14.14, 14.18, 18.71






Three gates to/ trois portes vers/ drie poorten naar: 16.21-22




See God/ Voir Dieu/  Zie God




6.47, 8.08, 10.25, 12.20



Jīva, Jīvātmā

2.22, 8.03, 13.14, 13.21-22, 13.31, 4.05, 15.07-11

Two birds / deux oiseaux / twee vogels 13.22 (see comments 3rd edition)




See Self-knowledge /Voir connaissance du Soi/ Zie Zelfkennis




(Death or time)

(Mort ou temps)

(Dood of tijd)

10.30, 10.33, 11.32




(Lust, sensual pleasure)

(Désir, plaisir sensuel)

(Lust, sensuele plezier)

2.55, 2.62, 2.71, 3.36-43, 5.22, 5.23, 7.11, 15.05, 16.21, 18.38




8.17, 9.07




3.04, 3.31, 4.14, 4.17, 4.19, 4.23, 4.37, 4.41, 5.07, 5.10, 3.03, 8.03, 9.21, 15.08, 18.49, 18.60, 18.61, 18.66

We are the puppets of our own Karma/ comme une marionnette (du Karma) montée sur une machine/ die zich in het lichaam als het ware in een mechaniek bevinden: 18.61



Karma-yoga, Karma-yogī

2.38-40, 2.47-51, 3.03, 3.07, 3.19, 3.20, 3.30, 4.20, 4.38, 4.41, 4.42, 5.02, 5.05-07, 5.10-12, 6.01, 6.02

we are not the doer/ nous ne sommes pas les faiseurs/ wij zijn niet de daders : 3.27, 5.08

we are divine instruments/ nous sommes des instruments divins/ wij zijn goddelijke instrumenten : 11.33

five causes of action/ cinq causes d’action/ vier oorzaken van handelen: 18.14

action in inaction/ l’action dans l’inaction/ het handelen in het niet-handelen: 4.17-18

as the basis of renunciation/ la base de la renonciation/ de basis van verzaking: 5.04, 5.06

is better than Jnāna-yoga / est supérieur au Jnāna-yoga/ is beter dan Jnāna-yoga: 5.02

Karma-yogī remains untouched by sin/ le Karma-yogī demeure intact au péché/ de Karma-yogī wordt door de zonde niet aangetast: 5.07, 5.10

Karma-yogī gets Jnāna, le Karma-yogī obtient Jnāna/ de Karma-yogī bereikt Jnāna

sets example/ est un exemple/ is voorbeeldig: 3.20-26

is cooperation/ est coopération/ betekent coöperatie :  3.12

is the first instruction of Brahmā to humans/ est la première instruction de Brahmā aux humains/ is de eerste instructie van Brahmā aan de mensen: 3.10



Koran, similar verses from… / memes versets du …/ dezelfde verzen uit …

See notes on / Voir notes (version anglaise) sur/ Zie notas op (engelse versie): 2.32, 9.30, 11.33, 15.12, 16.24, 18.61, 18.66, 18.67 (Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover)




4.29, 5.27, 5.28, 6.13, 8.10, 8.12, 8.13, 8.24, 8.25




6.14, 8.24





Heer, of Here

In all/ en tous/in alles 13.27-28

As a caretaker/ en tant que gardien/ als een beschermer: 9.22

As a material and efficient cause/ comme une cause matérielle et efficiente/ als een materiële en efficiënte oorzaak : 9.05, 9.07

As a friend/ comme un ami/ als een vriend : 9.18, 11.41, 11.44, 12.11

Līlā[11]of, de, van : 4.09, 13.34, 15.08, 18.66

As light/ comme lumière/ als licht : 11.12, 13.17, 15.06, 15.12

As mother/ comme mère/ als moeder : 9.17, 9.22, 9.23, 12.11, 14.04

All-pervading/ en tout/ in alles : 6.30, 7.19, 10.16, 11.16, 11.20, 11.38, 11.40, 13.13

The saviour/ comme sauveur/ als verlosser: 12.07

The unknowable/ l’inconnu/ de onbekende : 7.03, 7.26, 10.02, 10.15

As witness/ comme témoin/ als getuige : 9.18, 13.22





Lust, begeerte

See Kāma, Demonic Qualities, and Devil. Voir Kāma, Qualités démoniaques, et Diable. Zie Kāma, Demonische hoedanigheden en Duivel.




Verses quoted from/ Versets venant de/ Verzen genomen uit : 2.11, 2.38, 2.58, 2.67, 2.70, 3.42, 4.39, 6.06, 6.20, 6.35, 7.05, 7.07, 9.30, 9.33, 10.05, 10.20, 12.20, 15.08, 16.03, 16.04, 16.05, 16.21, 17.03, 17.08, 17.15, 17.17, 17.20, 18.09, 18.34, 18.42, 18.48, 18.66, 18.68, 18.78




Manifestatie (openbaring)

See Divine Manifestation/ Voir Manifestation Divine/ Zie Goddelijke Openbaring (Manifestatie)




6.10, 6.47, 8.13, 9.16, 10.25, 10.35, 12.20, 17.13

Important mantras (Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover, see ‘link’ above)  6.13, 9.22, 10.25, 12.20, and epilogue.

Mantras importants/ Belangrijke mantras[12].



Manu Smŗti

Verses quoted from/ Versets venant de/ Verzen genomen uit : 6.14, 7.16, 10.05, 16.03, 16.24, 17.10, 17.20, 18.38






7.04, 9.05, 13.06, 13.26, 13.34. See also/ Voir aussi/ Zie ook: Prakŗti.




4.06, 7.14, 7.15, 7.25, 9.08, 9.10, 10.07, 10.42, 13.34, 15.01-03, 16.20, 18.61





4.29, 4.30, 5.27, 6.10-17, 6.26, 6.35, 8.09-8.13





Gemoed (mentaal)

2.60, 3.43, 6.05-07

Control of/ Contrôle de/ Controle van: 6.19, 6.34-36, 12.08

The cosmic mind/ Le mental (la conscience) cosmique/ Het kosmische bewustzijn: 13.05, 14.03

Two methods to subdue/ Deux méthodes de soumission/ Twee methoden om te bedwingen: 6.35



Mukti or/ou/of Mokşa

(salvation or liberation) (salut ou liberation) (heil of bevrijding) See/Voir/ Zie: Brahman-nirvāna



Muni (sage) (wijze)

2.56, 4.19, 5.28, 6.03, 10.26, 10.37





See/ Voir/ Zie Prakŗti




2.22. Also see/ Voir aussi/ Zie ook: Brahman-nirvāna



Nirvikalpa Samādhi

See/ Voir/ Zie: Samādhi




See/ Voir/ Zie: Yama





See/ Voir/ Zie: Ahimsā




7.08, 8.13, 9.17, 10.25, 17.23, 17.24




As the all pervading Vasudeva, 4.24, 7.19, 11.40

Aussi, le omnipresent Vasudeva

Ook, de alomtegenwoordige  Vasudeva

As substratum, 4.38, 5.24, 7.06, 7.07, 7.24-26, 7.30, 9.04-06

Comme substratum,

Als substraat

Supports by a small fragment of His energy, 10.42

Est soutenu par un court fragment de Son Energie,

Wordt gedragen door een kleine fragment van Zijn Energie,

As the basis of Brahman, 14.27

A la base de Brahman,

Als de basis van Brahman,

As seed or root of the cosmic tree, 7.10, 9.16, 9.18, 10.08, 10.39, 14.03-04, 15.01

Comme semence ou racine de l’arbre cosmique,

Als zaad of wortel van de kosmische boom,




8.21,10.12, 11.38, 15.06




Yoga-sūtras of/ de/ van, 6.06, 6.10, 6.23




Jouissances (plaisirs)

Genoegens (plezieren)

2.14, 2.15, 2.38, 2.44, 3.16, 5.21, 6.04, 9.20, 15.02, 15.05, 15.09, 16.16, 18.34

Poisonous and non-poisonous pleasures, 18.37-39

Jouissances empoisonneuses et non-empoisonneuses,

Vergiftigde en niet-vergiftigde genoegens,



Prakŗti (Nature or Matter)

(La Nature ou la Matière)

(De Natuur of de Materie)

3.05, 3.27, 3.29, 4.06, 7.04, 8.18, 9.07, 9.08, 9.10, 13.05, 13.06, 13.19-21, 13.23, 13.26, 13.29, 14.03-05, 18.40




5.27, 6.09, 8.12, 8.24, 13.06, 13.22, 15.14, 18.14, 18.33




4.29, 6.10






4.12, 7.22, 12.05, 17.20




Verses quoted from (see Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover, link as above) 2.60, 2.72, 3.20, 3.21, 3.35, 4.38, 5.18, 5.19, 6.06, 6.14, 6.25, 6.29, 6.30, 6.32, 7.16, 7.22, 9.07, 9.22, 9.26, 10.41, 13.21, 13.22, 13.34, 14.19, 15.01, 15.06, 15.17, 16.03, 16.20, 17.03, 17.13, 17.15, 18.34, 18.37

Versets de …

Verzen van …




(Self, Atman, Spirit, Energy), 7.05, 13.19-21, 13.23, 13.26, 14.03, 14.04

(Le Soi, Atman, Esprit, Energie)

(Het Zelf, Atman, Geest, Energie)

Three/ trois/ drie  Puruşas, 15.16-17

See also/ Voir aussi/ Zie ook Atmâ




Verses quoted from (see Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover, link as above) 2.48, 2.69, 4.08, 4.34, 4.37, 6.35, 7.16, 8.26, 9.22, 10.25, 12.05, 12.07, 12.20, 13.14, 16.04, 16.20, 16.23, 17.08, 17.22, 18.34, 18.38, 18.55, 18.61, 18.67

Versets de …

Verzen van …




2.12, 2.13, 2.22, 4.05, 8.06, 14.15, 14.18, 18.61

Determination of destination/ La destination déterminée/ Bepaling van bestemming : 8.06-07.

See also/ Voir aussi/ Zie ook : Transmigration / transmigratie




2.39, 3.03, 5.01, 7.04, 13.06, 18.19





See/ Voir/ Zie : Yajna





Heil, Verlossing

See/ Voir/ Zie : Nirvāna




2.60, 4.29, 5.28, 6.10, 6.20, 15.12, 18.53







Samnyāsa, Samnyāsi

5.01-06, 6.01-02, 6.04, 9.28, 18.02, 18.07, 18.49




Defined/ Défini/ verklaard : 2.16

As Lord/ Comme Seigneur/ Als Heer (Here), 9.19, 11.37, 13.12, 15.18, 17.23, 17.26-28






2.46, 13.04, 16.23, 16.24




Le Soi

Het Zelf

Se/ Voir/ Zie: Atmâ, Puruşa, Energy/ Energie




Connaissance du Soi


(Jnāna) 4.33-39, 4.42, 5.16, 5.17, 7.02, 8.26, 10.10, 13.02, 14.02, 15.20

Jnāna burns all Karma/ Jnāna brûle tout Karma/ Jnāna verbrandt al Karma



Self-realisation, and Self-realized

Réalisation du Soi, et se réaliser

Zelf-realisatie, en zich realiseren

2.11, 3.17, 3.34, 4.19, 5.18, 5.20, 5.21, 5.24, 5.26, 6.08, 6.09, 6.21, 6.22, 6.27, 6.29, 7.17, 7.19, 8.08, 11.55

Marks of a Self-realised person/ Les marques d’une personne réalisée/ De kenmerken van een gerealiseerde persoon: 2.55-2.58, 2.61

Two stumbling blocks/ Deux pierres d’achoppement/ Twee struikelblokken: 3.34



Sense control

Maîtrise des sens

Het beheersen der zinnen

2.60-68, 3.41, 18.37






2.14, 2.58, 2.60, 2.61, 2.67, 3.34, 4.39, 5.22



Sensual Pleasures

Plaisirs sensuels

Zinnelijke genoegens

See/ Voir/ Zie : Kāma or Lust/ ou Désir/ of Lust (begeerte)



Sānti (Peace/ Paix/ Vrede)

2.66, 2.70, 2.71, 4.39, 5.12, 5.29, 6.15, 9.31, 12.12, 18.62



Siddhi (Perfection/ Volmaaktheid)

3.20, 6.04, 6.14, 12.10, 14.01, 16.23, 18.45






3.13, 3.36, 4.21, 4.36, 5.10, 5.17, 9.30, 10.03, 10.36, 18.66, 18.71



Soul Spirit

Âme, Esprit

Ziel, Geest

See/ Voir/ Zie : Atmâ



Subtle Body

Corps subtil

Subtiele lichaam

13.21, 15.08



Superconscious mind

Mental superconscient

Superbewust gemoed

2.54, 2.72, 4.29, 6.10, 6.20

See also/ Voir aussi/ Zie ook : Samādhi




Soumission, abandon


7.14, 7.19, 9.32, 10.09, 12.11, 15.19, 18.66



Teachings of

Enseignements de

Leringen van

See the / Voir la / Zie de: Bhagavad Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover, translated by Dr. Ramananda Prasad, Ph.D.

Adagadānanda, 18.41

Atmânanda, 17.15

Buddha, See/ Voir/ Zie Buddhism

Chimanbhai, 6.04, 7.02, 10.11

Chinmayānanda, 3.12

Christ, See Bible

Dayānanda, 16.03

Einstein, 2.15, 13.06, 13.34

Mahatma Gāndhi, 10.36, 16.24

Helen Keller, 18.68

Harihar, 3.20, 10.25, 16.24, 18.70

Hariharānanda, 4.34, 6.13, 15.08, 18.78

Joseph Campbell, 9.23

Karmānanda, 2.47, 4.03

Krishnamurty, 4.34

Mirābai, 18.55

Muhammad, See Koran

Multaz Ali, 17.20, 18.78

Nānak, 4.06, 6.06, 10.25, 14.24, 16.23, 18.67

Prabhupāda, 12.20

Ramakrishna, 2.53, 4.08, 8.08, 8.24, 12.05, 16.03, 18.38, 18.67

Ramana Maharshi, 13.06

Rāmadāsa, 4.34, 11.53

Sāradā , 2.55, 2.60, 6.14

Samkarācārya, 2.52, 2.53, 13.33, 18.66

Sivananda, 2.72, 6.13

Stephen Covey 17.03, 17.20

Subramuniyāswāmi, 15.08

Vivekānanda, 3.19, 18.41

Yājnavalkya, 4.34, 6.29

Yatiswarānanda, 4.34, 14.26

Yogānanda, 3.26, 6.20, 6.28, 8.13, 8.24, 9.29, 9.30, 15.12

Yogī Bhajan, 6.06

Yukteswar, 18.66



Transmigration, or the third path,

Transmigration, ou la troisième voie,

Transmigratie, of het derde pad,

2.67, 4.37, 8.26, 9.33, 12.07, 13.21, 14.18, 14.19

See also Reincarnation/ Voir aussi Réincarnation/ Zie ook Reincarnatie






10.04, 16.23, 17.15



Tyāga, Tyāgi

18.02, 18.07-12










Verses quoted from (see Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover, link as above): 2.11, 2.19, 2.20, 2.22, 2.29, 2.43, 2.44, 2.72, 3.41, 3.42, 3.43, 4.34, 5.13, 5.19, 6.06, 6.10, 6.21, 6.29, 7.02, 7.19, 8.05, 8.06, 8.08, 8.09, 8.11, 8.24, 8.25, 8.26, 10.15, 10.20, 10.42, 11.08, 11.53, 12.05, 13.01, 13.12, 13.13, 13.14, 13.17, 13.22, 13.34, 15.01, 15.06, 15.12, 15.18, 16.21, 17.03, 17.08, 17.10, 17.15, 18.34, 18.38, 18.55, 18.73



Values, positive

Valeurs positives

Waarden, positieve

12.12-19, 13.7-11, 16.01-03, 17.15



Values, negative

Valeurs négatives

Waarden, negatieve

16.04-21, 17.05-06




1.43, 4.13, 18.41-44




2.22, 3.34, 13.22, 15.08, 16.03






Mention of/ mention de/ aanwijzing naar : 2.43, 2.45, 2.46, 2.53, 3.15, 4.32, 7.08, 8.11, 8.28, 9.17, 9.20, 9.21, 10.22, 11.48, 11.53, 15.01, 15.15, 15.18, 17.23

Verses quoted from (see Gîtâ, Third Edition, hard cover, link as above): 2.32, 2.44, 3.13, 4.08, 4.34, 6.14, 7.02, 7.07, 7.19, 8.08, 8.09, 9.23, 10.08, 10.15, 10.21, 10.36, 10.42, 11.12, 11.53, 13.12, 13.13, 13.17, 13.22, 15.12, 16.23, 16.24, 17.15, 18.41-43



Vedic Marriage

Mariage Védique

Vedische huwelijk

6.29, 6.32, 7.11, 11.44, 12.20, 16.23, 16.24, 17.15





Choice of/ Choix de/ Keuze van: 3.35, 18.47-48

How to create your own future/ Comment créer votre propre avenir/ Hoe uw eigen toekomst creëren: 17.03



Warrior, duty of

Guerrier, le devoir

Krijger, de plicht




Women, duty of

Femmes, le devoir

Vrouwen, de plicht

6.29, 6.32, 9.32, 11.44, 16.23, 16.24






2.47, 2.49, 2.50, 3.05, 3.27, 3.35, 4.18, 5.08, 13.29




Adoration, culte

Aanbidding, eredienst

See Deity Worship

Voir Culte aux dieux

Zie Eredienst aan goden




3.09-16, 4.23-33, 17.11-13, 18.03, 18.05, 18.70



Yama and /et /en Niyama





Definition of/ Définition de/ Definitie van: 2.48, 2.50, 2.53, 6.03, 6.04, 6.08, 6.19, 6.23, 6.29, 6.31, 6.32




2.53, 2.69, 2.70, 4.25, 4.28, 4.38, 4.39, 4.41, 4.42, 5.01, 5.05-07, 5.24, 6.01-04, 6.07, 6.10, 6.12, 6.15-23, 6.27-33, 6.36, 6.42, 6.44-47, 8.24, 8.25


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[1] Bhagavad Gîtâ, by Dr. Ramananda Prasad, Ph.D., Third Edition, hard cover. Here follows comments found on bottom page of 255: The Ten Commandments of Hinduism, commonly known as Yama and Niyama according to sage Patanjali (PYS 2.30-2.32), are (1) Ahimsā or non-violence. (2) Truthfulness. (3) Non-stealing. (4) Celibacy or sense control. (5) Non-greed. (6) Purity of thought, word and deed. (7) Contentment. (8) Austerity or renunciation. (9) Study of scriptures, and (10) Surrendering to God with faithful loving devotion.


Compare this with the Ten Commandments of the Bible: (1) Thou shalt not kill. (2) Do not lie. (3) Do not steal. (4) Do not commit adultery. (5) Do not covet. (6) Do not divorce your wife. (7) Do for others what you want them to do for you. (8) If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek. (9) Love your neighbour as yourself, and (10) Love the Lord with all thy heart.


The Eightfold Noble Path of Buddhism is: Right view, right thought, right speech, right deeds, right livelihood, right effort, right resolve, and right meditation. Abstinence from all evil, performance of good acts, and purification of the mind is the doctrine of Buddha.


The five cardinal principles of Islam are: (1) Faith in God, His message, and His messengers. (2) Meditation and prayer on the glory, greatness, and the message of God for spiritual growth. (3) Helping others by giving charity. (4) Austerity for self-purification by fasting in the month of Ramadan, and (5) Pilgrimage to the holy places.


All great masters have given us the Truth revealed by the Supreme. Kŗşna taught us to feel spiritual oneness by seeing divinity in each and everyone. Buddha taught us to purify ourselves and have compassion for all creatures. Christ asked us to love all beings as we love ourselves. Muhammad taught to submit to the will of God and act like His instruments.


 In some religions, however, only members of one’s own sect are considered favourites of God, and others are considered infidels. The Vedas teach not only mere religious tolerance but the acceptance of all other religions and prophets as analogous to one’s own. The Vedas say: Let noble thoughts come to us from everywhere (RV 1.89.01). Different religious teachings are but different expressions of the Supreme. They are to be respected, not regarded as instruments of division. The dignity and welfare of humanity lie in the unity of races and religion (Swami Harihar). True knowledge of religion breaks down all barriers, including the barriers between faiths (Gandhi). Any religion that creates the walls of conflict and hatred among people in the name of God is not a religion, but selfish politics in disguise. The differences in human interpretation of scriptures – the transcendent voice – are due to taking the literal meaning, prejudices, ignorance, taking lines out of context, as well as distortion, misinterpretation, and interpolation with personal selfish motives.


(1)       La non-violence

(2)      La vérité envers tous les êtres

(3)      L’abstention de vol

(4)      Le célibat ou la maîtrise des sens

(5)      L’abstention d’avarice

(6)      La purification interne et externe

(7)      Le contentement

(8)      L’austérité ou la renonciation

(9)      L’étude des Saintes Écritures

(10)   La dévotion totale à Dieu

(Yoga Sutra 2.30-32)


(1)      Geweldloosheid

(2)      Waarheidsliefde

(3)      Eerlijkheid (zich niets onregelmatig toe-eigenen)

(4)      Celibaat of controle over de zinnen

(5)      Onhebzuchtigheid

(6)      Zuiverheid in gedachte, woord en daad

(7)      Tevredenheid

(8)      Strenge soberheid

(9)      Studie der Schriften, en

(10)   Zelfovergave aan God in gelovig en liefdevolle devotie

[4] The priest, or intellectual class in India. Le prêtre, ou la classe intellectuelle en Onde. De priester, of the intellectuele klas in Indië (iemand die tot de hoogste kaste behoort).

[5] The extinction of the ego in the higher, inner spiritual Self. L’extinction de l’ego dans le plus haut Moi intérieur spiritual. De uitdoving van de ego in het hoogste spirituele Zelf.

[6] The One self-existent, impersonal, eternal, universal soul. Le Réel suprême, indivisible et infini, hors de quoi rien d’autre réellement n’existe. De Enige zelfbestaande, onpersoonlijke, eeuwige universele ziel.

[7] This body is, from the viewpoint of the physical, no body, either subjective or objective. It is, in any case, the centre of the egoic consciousness, and is formed of the conjunction of buddhi and manas.

[8] The faculty of wandering of mind from one thought to another. Suivant le contexte, “citta” désigne la pensée, le mental, la conscience. Weerspiegeling of projectie van  « Cit » in/op de individuele ziel (= jīvātmā); perceptie van alle niveaus van bewustzijn. Middel om het bewustzijn (cetanā) tot expressie te brengen. Het bewuste denken en voelen, denkvermogen, denkapparaat, spiegel of scherm van het bewustzijn.

[9] Ramananda Prasad writes (Gîtâ Third Edition, hard cover, page 75): There are four categories of gurus: A false guru, guru, realized guru, and the divine guru. In this age too many false gurus are coming to teach or just give a mantra for a price. These false gurus are the merchants of mantra. They take money from disciples to fulfill their personal material needs without giving the true knowledge of the Supreme Being. Jesus also said: Watch out for false prophets; they come to you looking like sheep on the outside, but they are really like wild wolves on the inside (Matthew 7.15). Saint Tulasidasa said that a guru who takes money from disciples and does not remove their ignorance, goes to hell (TR 7.98.04). A guru is one who imparts true knowledge and complete understanding of the Absolute and the temporal. A realized guru is a Self-realized master mentioned in this verse here. A realized guru helps the devotee maintain God-consciousness all the time by his or her own vested spiritual power.

[10] (Yajnya, Yagnya) : Sacrifice, service, Seva, meritorious deed ; a Vedic ritual ; see verse 3.09. Sacrifice, service, Seva, actes méritoires; un rituel Védique; voir verset 3.09. Offer, dienst, Seva, verdienstelijke handelingen; een Vedische ritueel: zie ook vers 3.09.

[11] Play, drama, act, sport, pastime, amusement. Jeux, drame, acte, sport, temps libre, amusement. Spel, drama, bedrijf (toneel), sport, vrijentijd, amusement.

[12] The beginner in meditation should first practice fixing the gaze at the mid-brows, as mentioned in verse 5.27, or at the chest center as hinted in verse 8.12 before learning to fix the gaze on the tip of the nose. The help of a teacher and use of a mantra such as Om Namah Śivāya” may be necessary, and is highly recommended. (Gîtâ, Third Edition). Worship of the Mother form of the Lord using the mantra: Om Śri Durgāya Namah” is encouraged for the seekers of health, wealth, and knowledge (comments on Gîtâ 9.22). Constant mental repetition (Japa) of Tāraka mantra – OM Śri Rāma, Jai Rāma, Jai Jai Rāma – with faith will drive sound vibrations into the deeper layers of mind where it works like a damper in preventing the rise of the waves of negative thoughts and ideas leading the way to the inner awakening in due course of time (comments on Gîtâ 10.25). Comments on Gîtâ 12.20 is an important teaching, it says:           One may not have all the virtues, but a sincere effort to develop virtues is most appreciated by the Lord. Thus the striver is very dear to the Lord. The upper-class devotees do not desire anything, including salvation from the Lord, ex­cept for one boon: The devotion to the lotus feet of a personal God, birth after birth (TR 2.204.00). Lower class devotees use God as a ser­vant to fulfill their material demands and desires. The development of unswerving love and devotion to the lotus feet of the Lord is the ultimate aim of all spiritual discipline and meri­torious deeds as well as the goal of human birth. A true devotee con­siders oneself the servant, the Lord as the master, and the entire creation as His body.

                The path of devotion is a better path for most people, but Devotion does not develop without a combination of personal effort, faith, and the grace of God. Nine techniques for cultivating devotion ¾ an intense love for God as a personal Being ¾ based on Tulasi Ramayana (TR 3.34.04-3.35.03), are: (1) The company of the holy and wise, (2) Listening and reading the glories and stories of Lord’s incarnations and His activities of creation, pres­ervation and dissolution as given in the religious scriptures, (3) Seva or serving God through service to the needy, the saints, and society, (4) Congregational chanting and singing of the glories of God, (5) Repeating the Lord’s name and mantra with firm faith, (6) Discipline, con­trol over the six senses, and detachment, (7) Seeing your personal God everywhere and in everything, (8) Contentment and lack of greed as well as overlooking others’ faults, and (9) Simplicity, lack of anger, jealousy, and hatred. The best thing a person should do is develop love of God. Lord Rama said that one needs to follow any one of the above methods with faith to develop love of God and become a devotee.

                Good company of saints and sages is a very powerful tool for God-realization. It is said that friendship, discussions, dealings, and marriage should be with equals or those who are better than oneself, not with persons of lower level of intellect (MB 5.13.117). A person is known by the company he or she keeps. According to most saints and sages, the path of devotion is very simple and easy to perform. One can begin by simply chanting a personal mantra or any holy name of God. There is no restriction on the correct time or place for chanting the holy name of God. The process of devotional service consists of one or more of the following practices: Hearing discourses, chanting the holy name of God, remembering and contemplating God, worshipping Him, praying to Him, serving God and humanity, and surrendering to His will.

                The four inter-connected paths of yoga discussed in the first twelve chapters of the Gita may be summarized as follows:

            The practice of KarmaYoga leads to purification of the mind from the stain of selfishness that paves the way for knowledge of God to be revealed. Knowledge develops into devotional love of God. Constant thinking of God, the object of our love due to devotion, is called meditation and contemplation that eventually lead to enlightenment and salvation. (End of citation). The Gîtâ, hard cover, says: A person is known by the company he or she keeps. According to Swamī Prabhupāda, Bhakti-yoga, the path of devotion, is very simple and easy to perform. One can begin by simply chanting Hare Kŗşņa,Hare Kŗşņa, Kŗşņa, Kŗşņa, Hare Hare; Hare Rāma, hare Rāma, Rāma, Rāma, Hare, Hare; or any one of the other five Mantras (see index Gîtâ hard cover). Also read “Epilogue”.

[13] One of the six systems or doctrines of Hindu philosophy attributed to sage Kapila. Une des six systèmes ou doctrine de la philosophie Hindouiste attribuée au sage Kapila. Een der zes systemen of Hindoeïstisch  filosofisch leergezag  aan de wijze Kapila toegekend.

[14] The superconscious state of mind. The final or the highest stage of meditation is called Nirvikalpa Samādhi. L’état superconscient du mental. Le plus haut stage final de la méditation est appelé Nirvikalpa Samādhi. De super bewuste staat van het gemoed. De hoogste behaalde graad in meditatie wordt Nirvikalpa Samādhi genoemd.

[15] A very strong desire to get something. Un désir profond pour obtenir quelque chose. Een sterk verlangen naar iets.