Preaching the Word


Course in Homiletics - Winter 2002/3


While every Christian denomination has its non-professional preachers and teachers, this study course hopes to improve the efficiency of lay-preaching, Sunday School and Bible Class teaching. There seem to be a need among ‘lay’ preachers and teachers for some principles to be reemphasised – principles which relate both the message itself and to the method conveying it.


Also, the genuine preacher or teacher needs to be responsive first and foremost to the God Whose representative he or she professes to be, explaining His written Word faithfully, skilfully, luminously, and clearly to men and women of our day. It is our hope and prayer that the nine lessons in preparation may be a small contribution towards the attainment of that perspective.


Philippe De Coster, D.D.



The Course in Homiletics is divided in Nine Lessons:


·        The Preacher’s or Teacher’s Message   (updated)

·        The Preacher’s or Teacher’s Spiritual Life

·        Choosing the Theme

·        Grasping the Message

·        Shaping the Sermon

·        Preparing the Delivery

·        Jesus’ Method

·        Twisted Techniques

·        Conducting a Service